Debra McDonald Nangala

Debra McDonald Nangala



Debra Nangala Mcdonald was born in 1961 in Papunya Tula NT . Her family line is full of famous painters, including Clifford Possum, her uncle. Her style is traditional stories - some only Debra can paint -and her work is documented in many publications of Indigenous Art.
Debra Nangala’s, My Country’s story is depicted with the dots in order to show the richness within her country, which has an abundance of land and celebrations.
There are women with body paint preparing to dance, maps to various places, which is a signature style. Each time Debra paints this or one of her other special stories she does it differently, as she wants each painting to be one of a kind. Debra is based in Adelaide and loves to showcase her work internationally, within Australia and in private collections.
