Evelyn Pultara

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Evelyn Pultara Atnwelarre
90 x 60 cm
AUD $1,500

3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 120, Works per page


Evelyn Pultara

Evelyn Pultara

Evelyn Pultara Biography

A mother of six children, Evelyn has grown up in her traditional homelands surrounding Utopia and raised her children there. She began painting in 1997 and started out depicted more traditional designs such as bush tucker and Awelye (women’s ceremonial body paint designs) however she has progressed rapidly and is an outstanding artist in her own right.

She now exclusively paints her plant totem, the Bush Yam (or also referred to as the Pencil Yam). The Aboriginal word for this is Atnwelarr, and it has been an abundant source of food and water for the Anmatyerre people for many years. The Yam is a slender twining plant with yellow pea flowers and edible tubers. As her totem it is Evelyn’s responsibility to pay homage to the Bush Yam through song, dance and ceremony. As a modern outlet for this, she pays homage to the Bush Yam through her art.

Evelyn’s works can be found in several important and well known collections around Australia and her works have been exhibited in Australia and overseas. In 2005, she was awarded first prize in the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award for her entry into the general painting division. I recommend her artworks to all who appreciate her style. Now an elder, Evelyn has had a wonderful career and been recognised for her talent on the ultimate stage.

Evelyn Pultara Resumé

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
The Holmes a' Court Collection, Perth

2003 Walkabout Gallery, Leichardt, Sydney
2004 Evelyn Pultara abOrigena, Sydney
2004 'Evelyn Pultara' curated by Armida Allevi, abOrigena, Milan 2005 'The Art of Evelyn Pultara' Gig Gallery, Glebe, Sydney
2005 "Linda Syddick & Evelyn Pultara" Japingka Gallery, Fremantle.
2005 Telstra Award.

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